
Traditional Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) lost between 10-20% of their revenue in the recent recession whereas SaaS based ISV’s grew by 20%. Switching to cloud-based infrastructure is critical for ISVs as Cloud computing is resource effective, costs less, and provides an infinite workspace.

At TESTQ we know that a single solution cannot suit every organisation, whether it is small business hosting services or solutions for large multinational organisations. We carefully take into account business sector, size, and company profile and develop flexible and comprehensive range of hosted products and services.

The TESTQ Advantage

Cloud computing promotes a new dialogue between business and IT decision makers. It allows decision makers to define business requirements first and then decide how to balance the use of shared, internal virtualised IT resources and external public services in a most cost-effective style while maintaining required levels of cost, performance, security, and business resilience.

Our modular approach to service offerings allows IT decision-makers to respond rapidly to these requirements and at the same time manage your overhead and deploy the latest software solutions while freeing up your valuable time and cash.

Our experts work closely with our customers to understand their challenges in order to design and implement solutions to meet specific small, medium, and large business hosting needs.

Challenges and Opportunities

Today’s business world provides myriad sources of information and countless devices connecting into it. Operating in this hyper-connected world calls for a hyper-distributed solution. IT decision-makers face genuine concerns and often struggle to decide between different options, for example, when and where to use public, private or hybrid cloud solutions. They also need to assess what steps should be taken to enable the progressive switch to cloud, and the modernization of their IT environment legacy as part of that journey.

Some of concerns that IT decision-makers face are:

  • Data security
  • Improved access to information
  • Globalization
  • High maintenance and operating cost of traditional software
  • Difficulty in selecting trusted cloud partner


" The number of business applications hosted over the public Internet is expected to double in the first half of this decade. Unfortunately, the Internet does not provide availability, security, scalability, and control that is required by the enterprises for application delivery. As cloud computing continues to mature in the UK, and hosting providers continue to add services, an increasing number of small and medium businesses enterprises are moving towards SaaS. "

Key Areas

Our expertise in leading cloud platforms coupled with rich experience in making businesses successful makes us an ideal cloud-enablement partner for all stages of the enterprise cloud journey.

TESTQ helps enterprises with:

  • Consulting
  • Virtualization
  • Cloud Platform Building
  • Cloud Deployment
  • Data Recovery/Re-location
  • Application Development
  • Management Services
  • Cloud Tool Development
  • Application Migration