
Enterprises around the world understand the urgency to mobilize their workforces. In order to stay in competition or even outperform the competitors, companies must have the ability to move business information quickly and securely between the back office and the front lines. With smartphones and tablets running multiple operating systems and supporting an increasing number of applications, offering increased choice for users, are also creating a new set of challenges in the workplace, where IT departments face the challenge of protecting data, intellectual property, and ensuring compliance.

TESTQ’s Mobility Services offers a portfolio of services to develop strategies that enables you to create a mobile enterprise that capitalizes on new business models and unlocks workforce productivity.

Our mobility consultants equipped with technology expertise and industry knowledge, work closely with you to develop blueprint and implementation plan across a diverse range of mobile platforms and devices to enable your organization to always stay ahead of the competition.

TESTQ Advantage

Mobility has become a business necessity, creating new ways of working and transforming business processes. With mobile users approaching billions, device, application, and support requirements are placing huge demands on businesses to adapt or to become extinct.

Moving beyond data access, mobility has transformed into a way of doing business that means real, transactional impact to the bottom line. Organizations that seek to leverage mobility are transforming their only business processes and business models to support the immense potential that mobility presents.

The focus of TESTQ’s comprehensive mobility services portfolio is to help their customers understand where they need to start, how to get there, and the impact mobility has on their business. From consulting, development and managed services, TESTQ has the capacity to deliver the innovation needed to help our clients maximize the potential of their mobile implementation.

Challenges and Opportunities

Today, mobile technologies have truly made businesses global and virtual and unleashed numerous innovative solutions to further help businesses to grow. Enterprises are realizing the vast potential of mobility. However, companies confront many challenges in their journey to unlock the opportunities offered by mobile devices. The major challenges can be summarized as below:

  • Device Diversity
  • Competitive environment
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Cost effectiveness

At TESTQ, we understand these challenges and help remove the complexity and risk with our top-of-class and fully-managed services for various Mobile Platforms.


" Analysts estimate over the next couple of years, 50% of business applications will be accessed via mobile devices. The current market trend across UK also shows that 67% of enterprises plan to issue employees with mobile computing devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. Bring your own device (BYOD) schemes have been growing over the past year, and with 44% of UK firms claiming to be recovering from the recession, 2014 is the year IT spending is poised for a sure growth. "

Key Areas

At TESTQ, we leverage our best resources and immense capabilities to provide you the following cost-effective and risk-free services:

  • Enterprise Asset Management
  • Services Management
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Automation
  • Self Service Apps
  • Project Management
  • Multiplatform Application Development
  • Mobile Testing Services
  • Mobile Commerce/banking
  • Mobile Social Networking