
Evolving market conditions and economic climate suggests that IT outsourcing and global sourcing are expected to grow systematically in the near future. With companies are keenly searching for new partners, the global sourcing model is all set to drive this trend by providing the necessary people, processes, and tools.

TESTQ’s GIC solutions encourage innovation and deliver value to its clients and partners. Our GIC services focus on challenges specific to your industry or technology domain, while proactively building internal competencies, to design and develop solutions to transform your GIC into a revenue centre.

TESTQ Advantage

Global In-House centres are increasingly becoming a viable option for large, global enterprises which have a significant IT outsourcing spend. GICs have unique structural advantages which can be exploited to transform them into Innovation Hub and Revenue Centres for your organization.

Our GICs services focus on the critical aspects of this model, such as growth and evolution, talent development, and parent organization engagement models. We leverage our expertise and knowledge base to ensure that our clients receive scalable and cost-effective solutions so that their GIC’s add value to their business and remain relevant in the market.

Challenges and Opportunities

Global In-house Centres because of their access to innate offshoring advantages of cost and talent can deliver more complex products. GICs are maturing rapidly where they can contribute various game-changing thrusts and transform the core business model of their parent enterprises. Unlike any other sector, GICs are facing many challenges, few of which are:

  • Growing maturity of GIC’s
  • Economic and Geographical barriers
  • Demand for delivering high-end and complex services
  • Finding the right location
  • Need for skilled workforce


" Today, enterprises are looking for path-breaking ways to drive growth and gain a competitive advantage. They are looking to serve new client segments, expand their presence in new markets, and increase revenues through innovative business models. In such scenario, Global In-house centres have become an integral component of the fast-growing business world. From manufacturing to aviation, transport and logistics, IT-BPO, retail, etc. "

Key Areas

TESTQ’s range of GIC solutions enables companies to achieve world-class performance. We help customers understand their current business landscape and help them to seize and capitalize growth opportunities.

Our key offerings are:

  • Advisory Services
  • Implementation Services
  • Upgrade and Migration
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Legal, Taxation and Financial Consulting
  • Security Integration
  • Enterprise Dashboard Reporting
  • Research and Analysis Services
  • Enterprise Portal Management