Mission & Vision

We at TESTQ aim to achieve clear and definite standards of good corporate social citizen in all areas of our business.

We have therefore determined to bring together existing operating principles and policies under the umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Our existing set of policies:

  • TESTQ Environmental Policy
  • TESTQ Equality and Diversity Policy
  • TESTQ Health and Safety Policy
  • TESTQ Quality Policy

We are also in a process to short-list one charity each from following areas to make a little regular financial contribution every month.

  • Cancer
  • Water
  • Environment

We are also in process of engaging with organizations working in above areas to provide some free assistance with our skills and expertise.

Our CSR Initiative

We wish to help anyone who can spent minimum 7 hours every week to orient them into entry level software testing skills. This is our FREE community Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. Please get in touch with us on testq@testqtech.com with subject line 'CSR - First Name Last name' and your contact details

Or you visit this page for more details: Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative